Free Kids Sports Camp
Online Registration is closed but you can still register at the event! 

Hauser Community Church

To know 


and make Him known

The purpose of Hauser Community Church is to worship God, bring people to Jesus and into the fellowship of His family, train them in the lifestyle of evangelism, develop them into Christ-like disciples, and equip them for their ministry within the local church and throughout the world.

Preach the Word, Love the People.

“Let the sun stop shining, and we will preach in darkness. Let the waves stop their ebb and flow, and still our voice shall preach the gospel.” - C.H. Spurgeon

 Sermon - Livestream

Our prayer for these sermons is that you would listen, learn, and grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. We invite you to come join us Sunday mornings at 10:30 am and worship the Lord with us.

We want to pray for you! 

Submit your prayer requests below and our staff and elders will be praying for you.

Connect with us.

Gathering Times

Sunday School
Sunday Morning Service
Wednesday Evening Service